What It Means To Be A Baptist
B-ible K.J.V.1611 is preserved,sole authority
A-lien baptism is not accepted
P-erpetuity of Jesus' church and His authority
T-rue,scriptural church is the local church only
I-mperative of world missions belongs to the church
S-alvation by grace through repentance and faith
T-able of the Lord is restricted to members only
Cardinal Hosius,Roman Catholic,The president of the
counsel of Trent.Cardinal Hosius wrote in A.D. 1554.
This dates Baptistback at least 354 A.D.
If the truth of religion
were to be judged bt the readiness
and boldness of wich a man of any sect shows in suffering,then the
opinion and persuasion
of no sect can be truer and surer than that
of the Anabaptist since there have been none for these tweleve hundred
past that have been more generally punished or that have more
cheerfully and steadfastly undergone,and even offered themselves
the most cruel sorts of punishment than these people.(Hosuis,Letters
Apud Opera.112-113.Baptist Magazine CVIII,278
May 1826)